Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Week 1 Arts & Crafts

William Morris the founder of the Arts and Crafts movement focused heavily on creating spaces that were not nearly as busy as spaces from the Victorian era. The previous attitude shifted from wanting to show of everything one owned to only using or having what one needed. Furniture was much simpler and not as ornate but made very carefully by hand. As a whole design was much simpler but one thing that remained busy and decorative were the wallpapers that Morris designed. 
Victorian Style

Arts and Crafts

"Morris created stunningly beautiful wallpapers with complex rhythms and movement which seemed to capture the randomness and symmetry of nature." -Morris & Co.

During the 1860s in London, Morris designed wallpapers which were then printed using wood blocks and mineral based pigments. His most notable partner was John Henry Dearle. Using a different more modern technique the designs one made by these two artist can still be created in Loughborough, England at the Morris & Co. studio. A few of the classical favorites are sometimes given a more contemporary look and to achieve the a watercolor effect a Gravure machine is used.
Morris's first wallpaper design was the Trellis pattern which he displayed in his home in Bexlevheath, Kent. 
Trellis Wood Block Print
Extra Credit: The process of making wood block print wallpapers.

Alexandra- I enjoyed how Alexandra touched on the political, economic, and social aspects of the arts and crafts movement, and not just design techniques.

Anna- I like how Anna added the point of how white paint against the dark hard wood was used both during the arts and crafts movements and heavily now. Good observation!