Saturday, March 4, 2017

Week 7 Art Deco

While researching the Art Deco period I came across French artist Rene Lalique. He work consisted of glass design and art, perfume bottles, vases, chandeliers, clocks, jewelry, and automobile hood ornaments. When he was just twelve years old he started College Turgot (1872) where he learned drawing and sketching skills. In 1874 he would then begin taking classes in London to improve his graphic design skills. Lalique is best known for his glass art creations that were displayed on wall or columns of grand dinning halls.
Left Picture: SS Normandie dining hall
Right Picture: Spirit of the Wind Automobile ornament

In 1921 Lalique founded the Verrierie d'Alsace glassworks, today the world's on Lalique factory. By 1925 he has participated in many architectural projects and was highlighted at the International Exposition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Arts in Paris, this was the climax of his career. Pictured right: Interior of Cote d'Azur Pullman Express carriage.             
Current Applications:

Extra Credit: Video highlighting works of Lalique
Responses: Kate- I really like the 3rd current day application you included. For being modern it still highlights the art deco style very clearly. 
Kendra- The video you included was very interesting and informational. I also thought the caption you included with your pictures are very helpful. 

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